It was a very busy time of year last month for supply chains, keeping the shelves stocked and delivering packages to businesses and houses across the country.
Global logistics systems in these supply chains need to learn to handle such complexity in an interconnected world where social media and businesses merge and create the need for increasingly real-time information systems. Using social networking for real-time feedback, then reflecting the negative or positive customer satisfaction out onto the supply chain – from the shop floor back to the supplier of goods and services – ensures that businesses are competitive and more willing to listen to their customer’s feedback, which is good customer service.
Case in point:’s real-time customer service circle of feedback (online, phone, email, Twitter, Facebook, and more) are constantly updating and changing their supply chain, picking cycle, returns, and shipping.
Want to learn how your business’s supply chain can stay competitive using customer feedback from social media and stay up-to-date in the 21st century necessity, please click the green button below.
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