SAP’s High-Performance Analytic Appliance (HANA) exploits the advantages of In-Memory Computing that allows the processing of massive quantities of real time data in the main memory of the server to provide immediate results from analyses and transactions by combining SAP software components optimized on hardware provided and delivered by SAP leading hardware partners. SAP HANA comes shipped as a pre-configured appliance from your hardware vendor, the license is bought from SAP.
Why is there a need for in-memory technology?
There are challenges for both, IT and business: For the IT department, there are high costs associated to purchase and maintain hardware to handle ever increasing data volume. High TCO to administer and maintain multiple data warehouses as well as transaction systems. These time intensive tasks delay processing and analysis results. Data is not real time. Waiting on real time operational information does impact the business. Cause of the inadequate access to real time operational information, uncover new trends and patterns in an ad hoc, empowered manner cannot take place. Improving planning, forecasting and financial close processes cannot be improved because current approaches are too slow and not real time or not able to blend analytics and operations.
The main objectives of SAP HANA is to make better decisions faster. It offers new ways to look at the business based on instant access. The immediate access to relevant and real time information lets the business react quickly without the need to rely in IT. With enabling innovative new applications introduced in SAP HANA, high volume transactions can be combined with analytics to improve BI. From a cost perspective, SAP HANA dramatically reduces hardware and maintenance costs. In Memory solutions are easy to implement and are non disruptive.